Thursday, July 26, 2007

a South Korean hostage killed

Taliban insurgents shot a South Korean hostage and dumped his body in the lawless central Afghan desert Wednesday, raising increased fears for the safety of 22 other Koreans seized while traveling through the region last week and sending shudders through the community of foreign aid workers in the country.
Why the Korean hostage is in Afghan?
The Afghan government responded by immediately barring all foreigners from traveling outside Kabul, the capital, without police permission.
the god sent him to die.
The Taliban said it had executed the man to protest a lack of progress in negotiations with the Afghan government over the fate of the kidnapped Koreans. A purported Taliban spokesman told international news agencies that the government had refused to release eight Taliban prisoners in return for the hostages, and warned that the militants would kill more of their victims if their demands weren't met.
dont just blane the Taliban.
Another Taliban deadline passed early today without word on the fate of the other kidnapped Koreans. Reports that at least eight of the Koreans had been freed could not be confirmed. The Taliban denied that it had released anybody.
The South Koreans were taken hostage Thursday while traveling by public bus along a highway between Kabul and the southern city of Kandahar, where they were to work at a nursery school and hospital. The remaining 18 women and four men, most of them in their 20s and 30s, are members of the Saemmul Protestant church in Bundang, just south of Seoul, though both the church and the Korean government insisted that the abductees' visit to Afghanistan had no religious motives.
Even I dont like Taliban, but I also dont like those Koreans.
Afghan police said the slain man had been shot 10 times in the head, chest and stomach. Korean media identified the victim as Bae Hyong-gyu, 42, a pastor and leader of the group.
from another point of view, the korean hostage was just called back by his father ..
not a sad thing...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god bless Taleban ....