Wednesday, July 25, 2007

NBA has to do much more

NBA is such a big business .
Call it cynicism. Call it pessimism. Call it sensationalism. No matter what you call it?
But anyone who thinks ex-NBA ref Tim Donaghy -- who allegedly bet on basketball games -- is the league's first official to gamble is crazy.
It is real crazy.
Anyone who thinks he is the first to bet on sports -- or on NBA games, for that matter -- is naive.
Commissioner David Stern appeared shaken and as emotional as you're ever going to see him during Tuesday's news conference in New York concerning the federal investigation involving Donaghy, a gambling ring and organized crime.
But his much-awaited response, however sympathetic, missed the mark as he failed to take any responsibility.
Stern pointed to the league's rigorous system of checking up on its officials, even comparing it to the CIA and FBI, and labeled Donaghy, who resigned July 9, a "rogue ... criminal."

It is a big business ..
The truth is the NBA had enough red flags to eject an entire soccer team.
Donaghy's history of volatility and his alleged involvement in gambling in 2005 were enough to put the microscope on him. What's more, the integrity and ability of today's officials and the NBA's officiating system has been repeatedly questioned -- by coaches such as Phil Jackson, by owners such as Mark Cuban, by former officials such as Joey Crawford and by plenty of players.
Stern was right about one thing: If an official is intent on breaking the rules, he can.
But here are a few ways the league can catch them more quickly, or at least force them to have to work a little harder:
More accountability: As it stands now, officials aren't available to the media, so they don't have to answer for their on-court decisions publicly.
What's more, players and coaches are fined for commenting negatively about officials.
The lack of accountability is magnified because NBA officials have what is considered the toughest job in sports because of the amount of judgment calls they have to make and the impact of their decisions. Yet, they are shielded from public scrutiny, and even their reprimands are done privately.
Well, it's time to put them on the spot.
Let them answer for their questionable calls.
Let's make it public knowledge who is grading out poorly, when someone is chastised and when the league's evaluation shows the wrong call was made in a pivotal situation.

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