Thursday, July 26, 2007

Large explosions in U.S.

Just like what's on 24, ..large explosions in US.
you dont know "24" - the TV series..?
At least two people were seriously injured on Wednesday in a series of large explosions that rocked an area near downtown Dallas, in the southwestern U.S. state of Texas.
Texasm a state i dont like very much.
The blasts were apparently caused by gas tanks used for welding, showering flaming shrapnel around the area.
That's nearly the same as just shown in 24.
A preliminary investigation found that the explosions at the Southwest Industrial Gases, Inc. facility might be caused by a truck loaded with oxygen canisters.
The truck might have exploded at the facility, causing gas tanks there to explode.
But this time, are real explosions.
Residents within half a mile of the site of explosions were evacuated, and part of the I-35 and I-30 highways close to the site that sells liquefied natural gas was closed.
ha ha .. I like evacuation...people can move to new places and have new lifes.

Mobile phone masks do not ...

A major UK three-year study has indicated that mobile phone masks do not make you sick - they are not the cause of the symptoms of ill health claimed by some people.
Such symptoms as nausea, fatigue and anxiety may feel genuine, according to the Environmental Health Perspectives study, but they are not triggered by the masts.
Believe it not or...everyday there are new reports..
Mast Sanity, a campaign group, says the findings are unreliable because 12 participants in the trial dropped out due to ill health.
Numerous people during the trial blamed the masts for their symptoms when they were told they were turned on. However, dozens thought the mast was on when it was off and still felt the symptoms, while others felt well when they thought the masts were off.
The study indicates the problem is a psychological one.
Ha ha ..psychological..a word many people like to use to explain thing cant be proved.
Study leader, Elaine Fox, University of Essex, explained that belief is a powerful thing. "If you really believe something is going to do you some harm, it will."
Electro-sensitivity is believed by a number of individuals to be an allergy to such modern day appliances as mobile phone masts and hair driers.
A previous UK study, carried out by the HPA (Health Protection Agency) reported there was no evidence that showed an association between electrical equipment and ill health.
That study, however, did not examine the effects the waves from phone masts might have.
This latest study has done just that.
But..there will be many many reports saying ..not ...
Scientists studied a total of 44 participants, excluding the 12 who dropped out. All the 44 had reported symptoms. They were compared to a control group of 114 who had never complained of ill effects from phone masts.When both groups were told a signal was being emitted from the phone masts - both GSM and UMTS (3G), those who had reported symptoms said they did not feel well.However, when the trial was double-blind, the number of symptoms reported was completely random. In other words, when neither testers nor participants knew whether the masts were emitting or not, the participants' reports of feeling ill did not correspond at all with the masts' emissions or lack of emissions.5 people out of the control group of 114 guessed correctly when emissions were taking place, and 2 did the same from the group of 44. The researchers said this proportion is what is expected by chance.Even though it seems the 'sensitive' people reported symptoms at random, their symptoms were real - their blood pressure had risen and their perspiration had increased. Despite their symptoms not synchronizing with emitting phone masts, these physiological reactions did occur.

DNA ...

My teacher told me what was DMA when I was small..
a vry simple structure, but big secert behind.
A DNA sequence is called "sense" if its sequence is the same as that of a messenger RNA copy that is translated into protein.
The sequence on the opposite strand is complementary to the sense sequence and is therefore called the "antisense" sequence.
Since RNA polymerases work by making a complementary copy of their templates, it is this antisense strand that is the template for producing the sense messenger RNA.
Both sense and antisense sequences can exist on different parts of the same strand of DNA (i.e. both strands contain both sense and antisense sequences).
In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, antisense RNA sequences are produced, but the functions of these RNAs are not entirely clear.
One proposal is that antisense RNAs are involved in regulating gene expression through RNA-RNA base pairing.
Basically our DNA world is very simple ..
A few DNA sequences in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and more in plasmids and viruses, blur the distinction made above between sense and antisense strands by having overlapping genes.
In these cases, some DNA sequences do double duty, encoding one protein when read 5 to 3 along one strand, and a second protein when read in the opposite direction (still 5 to 3) along the other strand.
In bacteria, this overlap may be involved in the regulation of gene transcription, while in viruses, overlapping genes increase the amount of information that can be encoded within the small viral genome.
Another way of reducing genome size is seen in some viruses that contain linear or circular single-stranded DNA as their genetic material.

Abby Lockhart in ER

I like watching ER, I like Abby ..
Maura Tierney, a familiar face to television viewers after her four-year role as newswriter Lisa Miller on NBC’s critically acclaimed comedy “NewsRadio,” has shifted to a more dramatic gear on the full-throttle pace of “ER” where she received an Emmy Award nomination for her performance as a former medical student who’s resumed her nursing career in the ER.
Even Abby is not very pretty, but many poeple like to watch her performance in ER.
Born in Boston, Tierney says she prefers living in New York over Los Angeles -- or for that matter, any other city she’s visited.
She has made a habit of travel; she and her husband drive cross-country for fun and adventure and they’ve only missed two states so far.
However, she divides her working time between New York and Los Angeles.
If you like watching ER, I believe you are also a fans of Abby.
Tierney, who has always been interested in the dramatic arts, attended New York University and Circle-in-the-Square Theatre School. Her stage credits include roles in “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead,” “The Bald Soprano,” “Baby with Bathwater,” “Danny and the Deep Blue Sea” and “Talking With.”
The young actress had her first starring role on television in Norman Lear’s comedy series “704 Hauser Street.” Tierney’s additional credits include starring in the television films “Out of Darkness,” “Student Exchange” and “Crossing the Mob.” She guest-starred in the series “Growing Pains,” “Family Ties” and NBC’s “Law & Order.”
On the big screen, Tierney starred with Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock in the film “Forces of Nature,” opposite Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding Jr. in “Instinct,” alongside John Travolta and Emma Thompson in Mike Nichols’ “Primary Colors,” and opposite Jim Carrey in “Liar, Liar.” Earlier this year she was seen in “Scotland P.A.,” written and directed by her husband, Billy Morrissette, and also starring Christopher Walken and Tierney’s former “NewsRadio” co-star Andy Dick. Tierney was most recently seen starring opposite Al Pacino, Robin Williams, and Hilary Swank in “Insomnia.”
Tierney lives in Los Angeles with her husband. Her birthday is February 3.

a South Korean hostage killed

Taliban insurgents shot a South Korean hostage and dumped his body in the lawless central Afghan desert Wednesday, raising increased fears for the safety of 22 other Koreans seized while traveling through the region last week and sending shudders through the community of foreign aid workers in the country.
Why the Korean hostage is in Afghan?
The Afghan government responded by immediately barring all foreigners from traveling outside Kabul, the capital, without police permission.
the god sent him to die.
The Taliban said it had executed the man to protest a lack of progress in negotiations with the Afghan government over the fate of the kidnapped Koreans. A purported Taliban spokesman told international news agencies that the government had refused to release eight Taliban prisoners in return for the hostages, and warned that the militants would kill more of their victims if their demands weren't met.
dont just blane the Taliban.
Another Taliban deadline passed early today without word on the fate of the other kidnapped Koreans. Reports that at least eight of the Koreans had been freed could not be confirmed. The Taliban denied that it had released anybody.
The South Koreans were taken hostage Thursday while traveling by public bus along a highway between Kabul and the southern city of Kandahar, where they were to work at a nursery school and hospital. The remaining 18 women and four men, most of them in their 20s and 30s, are members of the Saemmul Protestant church in Bundang, just south of Seoul, though both the church and the Korean government insisted that the abductees' visit to Afghanistan had no religious motives.
Even I dont like Taliban, but I also dont like those Koreans.
Afghan police said the slain man had been shot 10 times in the head, chest and stomach. Korean media identified the victim as Bae Hyong-gyu, 42, a pastor and leader of the group.
from another point of view, the korean hostage was just called back by his father ..
not a sad thing...

Harry has broken the record again

Even I dont like harry very much...but I have to tell you ..
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has broken records in the US, selling 8.3 million copies in its first 24 hours on sale.
why so many people like harry??
It also sold 2.65 million in the UK, becoming the quickest seller out of the entire series.
2.65 mil just in god..
The previous high was in 2005 for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which sold 2 million in its first day of release.
The long-awaited finale to JK Rowling's international best-sellers hit shops on Saturday, and it was released simultaneously around the world.
More than a thousand fans queued at the Waterstones' bookshop in the centre of London, where many were dressed as wizards for the midnight launch.
dont tell me u are one of them in the queue...
Another 1,000 waited at Asda's superstore in Pudsey, near Leeds, where the 17.99Pd books were being sold for a mere fiver.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

NBA has to do much more

NBA is such a big business .
Call it cynicism. Call it pessimism. Call it sensationalism. No matter what you call it?
But anyone who thinks ex-NBA ref Tim Donaghy -- who allegedly bet on basketball games -- is the league's first official to gamble is crazy.
It is real crazy.
Anyone who thinks he is the first to bet on sports -- or on NBA games, for that matter -- is naive.
Commissioner David Stern appeared shaken and as emotional as you're ever going to see him during Tuesday's news conference in New York concerning the federal investigation involving Donaghy, a gambling ring and organized crime.
But his much-awaited response, however sympathetic, missed the mark as he failed to take any responsibility.
Stern pointed to the league's rigorous system of checking up on its officials, even comparing it to the CIA and FBI, and labeled Donaghy, who resigned July 9, a "rogue ... criminal."

It is a big business ..
The truth is the NBA had enough red flags to eject an entire soccer team.
Donaghy's history of volatility and his alleged involvement in gambling in 2005 were enough to put the microscope on him. What's more, the integrity and ability of today's officials and the NBA's officiating system has been repeatedly questioned -- by coaches such as Phil Jackson, by owners such as Mark Cuban, by former officials such as Joey Crawford and by plenty of players.
Stern was right about one thing: If an official is intent on breaking the rules, he can.
But here are a few ways the league can catch them more quickly, or at least force them to have to work a little harder:
More accountability: As it stands now, officials aren't available to the media, so they don't have to answer for their on-court decisions publicly.
What's more, players and coaches are fined for commenting negatively about officials.
The lack of accountability is magnified because NBA officials have what is considered the toughest job in sports because of the amount of judgment calls they have to make and the impact of their decisions. Yet, they are shielded from public scrutiny, and even their reprimands are done privately.
Well, it's time to put them on the spot.
Let them answer for their questionable calls.
Let's make it public knowledge who is grading out poorly, when someone is chastised and when the league's evaluation shows the wrong call was made in a pivotal situation.

flooding - not just in china

Some 350,000 homes in Gloucestershire will soon be without water because of flooding at a treatment works.
This news reminds me ..when I was young, living in the country..
Tens of thousands of homes are without tap water and supplies in Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury will run dry in hours.
The Chief Constable of Gloucestershire Police Tim Brain said the supply was unlikely to be restored for a week.
Power is being restored to many parts of Gloucester and Cheltenham after a sub-station was switched off earlier.
An overnight operation was carried out overnight at the Walham Switching Station, which supplies half a million homes in Gloucestershire and south Wales.
A number of public health issues have been identified as a result of the flooding.
flooding is not just happened in china, it also happens ...any where ..too bad..

锘縃ow big is Google's database?

In case you were wondering how much information Google stores, here is the answer.
Google search crawler uses 850 TB of information, so that's the amount of raw data from the web.
Google Analytics uses 220 TB stored in two tables: 200 TB for the raw data and 20 TB for the summaries.
Google Earth uses 70.5 TB: 70 TB for the raw imagery and 500 GB for the index data.
The second table "is relatively small (500 GB), but it must serve tens of thousands of queries per second per datacenter with low latency".
Personalized Search doesn't need too much data: only 4 TB.
Personalized Search stores each user's data in Bigtable.
Each user has a unique userid and is assigned a row named by that userid.
All user actions are stored in a table.
Google Base uses 2 TB and Orkut only 9 TB of data.
If we take into account that all this information is compressed. Ffor example, the crawled data has compression rate of 11%, so 800 TB become 88 TB, Google uses for all the services mentioned before 220 TB.
It's also interesting to note that the size of the raw imagery from Google Earth is almost equal to the size of the compressed web pages crawled by Google.

FireFox extension

Mozilla Firefox browser can be improved with additional functions for better browsing experience. Firefox browser supports third party extensions that can be added to enhance its functionality.
Firefox extensions or plugins provide additional features for Mozilla browser, improving the way it works or adding absolutely new functionality to use while serfing the Web.
Firefox extensions can add anything from a toolbar button or menu item to more complex feature as auto login or web search.
Custom Firefox extensions allow to personalize Mozilla Firefox Web browsing experience to create more suitable user interface and build in new specific features to better organize work environment.
Online communities or businesses can provide their customers with such Firefox extensions as customized toolbar or sidebar.
These extensions will let Mozilla Firefox users get direct access to the “remote” website resources and services wherever customers may be online, performing a complex task in few clicks with help of custom buttons, dropdown and right-click menus, boxes, or other specific features. These custom Firefox extensions will serve as “bookmarks” to hot website pages or as “shortcuts” for web services using.
Custom Firefox plugins and extensions allow create convenient user interface, put the brand on the toolbar, add custom buttons and menus, auto login function, RSS reader, website search, Google or other search engines searchbox, quick access to Yellow Pages, news, mail, stocks, weather or other information on Web from within Mozilla Firefox browser, and other individual functions needed to work more convenient and productive while using Firefox browser.

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Elvis - a super star

Do you know Elvis, may be only in the history.
Elvis AaronPresley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977), was an American singer, musician and actor.
Elvis past before I was borned.
He is a cultural icon, often known simply as Elvis; also "The King of Rock 'n' Roll", or simply "The King".
Presley began his career as one of the first performers of rockabilly, an uptempo fusion of country and rhythm and blues with a strong back beat.
His novel versions of existing songs, mixing 'black' and 'white' sounds, made him popular - and controversial - as did his uninhibited stage and television performances.
He recorded songs in the rock and roll genre, with tracks like "Jailhouse Rock" and "Hound Dog" later embodying the style.
He developed a versatile voice and had success with other genres, including gospel, blues, ballads and pop.
To date, he is the only performer to have been inducted into three separate music 'Halls of Fame'.
Presley made thirty-three movies, the majority during the 1960s, but he made a critically-acclaimed return to live music in 1968, followed by performances in Las Vegas and across the U.S. Throughout his career, he set records for concert attendance, television ratings and records sales.
He is one of the best-selling and most influential artists in the history of popular music.
His premature death, at age 42, shocked his fans worldwide.
But many people believe ..Elvis is still alive ..believe it or not ..up to you..

Japanese may buy much more oil

Japanese officials agreed to work with UN inspectors after a powerful earthquake shut down the country’s largest nuclear plant and raised fresh concerns about its nuclear sector.
I dont care about the safe of the plants. I care about the oil price.
The earthquake caused radioactive spills and other problems reportedly compounded by employee error.
All fifty-five Japanese nuclear plants have this kind of vulnerability,” a Kobe University seismologist told USA Today.
So, the 50 plants may be closed very soon.
The incident follows last year’s order from a judge to shut down Japan’s second-largest plant because it was not earthquake ready.
A series of other high-profile nuclear accidents, including in 1999 and 2004, create a growing quandary for Japan—the world’s third-largest consumer of nuclear power behind the United States and France.
Japanese are using a lot of nuclear power.
If japanese change to use oil instead ...
Environmental advocates were quick to assert that the latest incident means nuclear power is unsafe.
Japan is not the only country in the world that has built nuclear power plants on or near fault lines.
The Philippine government pays $155,000 a day in interest on a nuclear facility never put into operation because it was built near major fault lines.
Energy-starved Armenia continues to run its Metsamor nuclear plant despite a nearby fault line and the safety concerns of European Union and U.S. officials.
A 1988 quake in the region killed twenty-five thousand people.
Oil price will keep on going up...all over the wrold ..
In the United States, two watchdog groups want to close a Michigan nuclear plant, which they believe fails to adhere to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s earthquake safety regulations for waste handling.
Concerns about earthquakes also threaten U.S. plans to build a nuclear waste repository in Nevada’s Yucca Mountain.
and, dont forget, China will use much more oil in the coming years.
Buy oil ....

DNA .. the chemical secert

In living organisms, DNA does not usually exist as a single molecule, but instead as a tightly-associated pair of molecules.
These two long strands entwine like vines, in the shape of a double helix.
The nucleotide repeats contain both the segment of the backbone of the molecule, which holds the chain together, and a base, which interacts with the other DNA strand in the helix.
In general, a base linked to a sugar is called a nucleoside and a base linked to a sugar and one or more phosphate groups is called a nucleotide.
If multiple nucleotides are linked together, as in DNA, this polymer is referred to as a polynucleotide.
The backbone of the DNA strand is made from alternating phosphate and sugar residues.[8] The sugar in DNA is 2-deoxyribose, which is a pentose (five carbon) sugar.
The sugars are joined together by phosphate groups that form phosphodiester bonds between the third and fifth carbon atoms of adjacent sugar rings.
These asymmetric bonds mean a strand of DNA has a direction.
In a double helix the direction of the nucleotides in one strand is opposite to their direction in the other strand. This arrangement of DNA strands is called antiparallel.
The asymmetric ends of a strand of DNA bases are referred to as the 5 (five prime) and 3 (three prime) ends. One of the major differences between DNA and RNA is the sugar, with 2-deoxyribose being replaced by the alternative pentose sugar ribose in RNA.
The DNA double helix is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between the bases attached to the two strands. The four bases found in DNA are adenine (abbreviated A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T).
These four bases are shown below and are attached to the sugar/phosphate to form the complete nucleotide, as shown for adenosine monophosphate.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sport Car

Single-seater (open-wheel) racing is a popular form of motorsport with cars designed specifically for high-speed racing.
The wheels are not covered, and the cars often have aerofoil wings front and rear to produce downforce and enhance adhesion to the track.
The best-known variety of single-seater racing, Formula One, involves an annual World Championship for drivers and constructors of around 18 races a year featuring major international car and engine manufacturers such as Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz (McLaren), BMW (Sauber), Toyota, Honda, and Renault in an ongoing battle of technology and driver skill and talent. Formula One is, by any measure, the most expensive sport in the world, with some teams spending in excess of $400 million per year. Formula One is widely considered to be the pinnacle of motorsports, with the F1 Drivers' Championship being one of, and the oldest among, only three World Championships awarded each year by the FIA (the others being the World Touring Car Championship and the World Rally Championship).
In North America, the cars used in the National Championship (currently Champcars and the Indy Racing League) have traditionally been similar to F1 cars but with more restrictions on technology aimed at helping to control costs. Other single-seater racing series are the A1 Grand Prix (unofficially often referred to as the "world cup of motorsport"), GP2 (formerly known as Formula 3000 and Formula Two), Formula Nippon, Formula Renault 3.5 (also known as the World Series by Renault, succession series of World Series by Nissan), Formula Three, Formula Palmer Audi and Formula Atlantic.
There are other categories of single-seater racing, including kart racing, which employs a small, low-cost machine on small tracks. Many of the current top drivers began their careers in karts. Formula Ford represents a popular first open-wheel category for up-and-coming drivers stepping up from karts.

Deep DNA Memory

Research into the nature of DNA has revealed that this material within each cell of our bodies has important implications for who each one of us is, on many levels.
In addition to determining our physical characteristics, our vulnerabilities to certain diseases, and maybe even our personality, is it possible that the DNA helix holds some of the important memories of our ancestors?
Theories that suggest that we can tap into the deep nature of DNA to uncover ancient memories are not new. In the 1960s, some psychological researchers claimed that there may be keys that unlock our DNA, revealing experiences of generations of our relatives who lived long before our present time.
These ideas are similar in a way to the concepts of past lives and reincarnation. However, this DNA-related line of thinking focuses on the previous lives within us that are based on genetic memories, encoded on the DNA helix within us.
The DNA within all living things is the blueprint for what each organism becomes, subject to the environmental influences that can also have significant effects.
For humans, recent discoveries about DNA are rapidly changing our views about the importance of this material. DNA may affect us much more significantly than we imagined. And, it may hold keys to further discoveries.
It has long been known that our physical appearance is determined by the combination of DNA from our mother and father. Now, researchers are confirming that certain diseases and disorders have direct links to our DNA. Our health may be programmed to some degree by our genetic history.
Our IQ and aptitudes, musical skills, athletic ability, even our psychological and emotional traits may be significantly affected by the DNA within us.
It has been demonstrated that experiences necessary for survival of a species are learned and that this knowledge is passed on to subsequent generations. In some cases this is mostly likely at least partially through DNA and the unconscious “instinct” that results. Even tiny and simple organisms learn crucial survival skills and pass these on.

esq - esquire

When the title "Esq." is used as a suffix in the United States, it is usually used to designate individuals who are licensed to practice law in at least one United States jurisdiction.
This is not as what it is in UK.
It is used less commonly for individuals who have earned law degrees—such as a Juris Doctor (J.D.) or Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)—but who do not currently practice law or who have never been licensed to practice law, and for students who are still pursuing their law degrees (as they are considered members of the legal profession).
So, if u are living in UK or Europe, this is mot for you .
It may also be used when addressing naval officers in formal correspondence.
Though commonly misunderstood to be the right solely of lawyers, the title "esquire" after the name may actually be used by anyone in many states.
This is only applied in US.
In some states, using the term in a manner that might lead others to assume you are licensed to practice law in that state can be used as evidence of unauthorized practice of law.
It has been used historically, and still is seen occasionally, as merely a more formal honorific than "mister".

esq - Esquire

not as in US, there's some other meanings.
In the Commonwealth of Great Britain, Esquire is legally a dignity and rank, though nowadays it is used as a polite form of address towards most men.
Tables of precedence invariably ended with the ranks of Esquire and Gentleman, in that order.
Until the 19th century, tables of precedences distinguished between "esquire by birth" and "esquire by office" (the same for "gentleman").

Occasionally, formal definition was implemented in determining who was entitled to the rank of "Esquire", as opposed to the rank of "Gentleman".
The use of Esquire (as Esq.) had become ubiquitous in the United Kingdom by the late 20th century, for example being applied by banks to all men who did not have a grander title.
Although the College of Arms continues to restrict use of the word Esquire in official grants of arms to some of those in the table above, it uses the term Esquire in all its correspondence, even to those who do not fall within any of the definitions in the table.
Many people in the United Kingdom no longer understand that there is any distinction between "Mr" and "Esquire" at all and so, for practical purposes and in everyday usage, there is no such distinction.

Monday, July 23, 2007

iPhone - do u like it ??

Hacker like any new kind of toys....
The long-term viability of the iPhone is unlikely to be seriously damaged by reports of a serious security vulnerability that allows hackers to take over the device.
Most early iPhone adopters have bought into the Apple mythology which convinces them that anything blessed by Steve Jobs is automatically desirable, so we won't see a mass return of the shiny devices with their slick interface.
And we've all learned to live with bugs, crashes, malicious software and the many other hassles that come with modern computers.
An insecure phone is just another thing to add to the list of things that can go wrong, and Apple will soon release a patch to fix the problem, because the iPhone, gets regular updates to its operating software just like Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
Unruly Oxford students have been tracked down by the university authorities, a beauty queen in the USA has been blackmailed over supposedly private photos, and employees have been told that their employers may own any profiles or contacts lists they create using work computers.
believe it or not, it is not safe.
In the networked world people can find out these things about me, and so anyone who wants to verify my identity should realise that they can no longer rely on them in any way. If they continue to do so then they should be responsible for the consequences, not me.

Memory and DNA

Scientific researchers are gradually uncovering the secrets of our DNA. They have identified the functions of and relationships between some of this material. Many genes remain a mystery and their purpose is unknown.
Sometimes, these mystery genes are called “junk DNA.” According to some researchers, this may be an inaccurate label. Because the purpose and nature of this DNA material is not understood, it certainly does not mean it is useless junk.
As is often the case in scientific discovery, the more we know, the more we realize how little we know. Each question answered can raise many new questions.
For some, our human overconfidence and even arrogance can sometimes trick us into believing that we know all of the answers.
However, in the field of genetics research, there seems to be so much that is not known, that for an open-minded person, these kinds of theories about deep DNA memories cannot be ruled-out.
To conduct our own personal research and to find out for ourselves, maybe all we need to do is listen to our inner DNA.
Listen to the voices, feelings, sights and experiences of our ancestors. Their lives, joys and fears are within us. In that way, they are with us always.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Most Expensive AdWords keywords

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  mesothelioma $44.23
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  consolidate $26.87
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  insurance $21.19
  protonix $20.51
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  dwi $19.27
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  mailing lists $18.21
  credit report $17.37
  Mortgage $16.43
  lawyers $16.37
  Dui $16.28
  loan $15.78
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  web hosting $14.64
  settlement $14.36
  lawyer $13.55
  equity $12.98
  loans $12.75
  adwords $12.61
  attornies $11.17
  credit $10.72
  interest rate $10.23
  attorney $9.76
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  lawsuit $4.20
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  law $3.01
  lawsuits $2.55
  laws $1.36


DNA..a common term..but, do you know what exactly DNA is ...?
Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is a nucleic acid molecule that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.
Bio-chemical teams ...ok, go on..
The main role of DNA is the long-term storage of information and it is often compared to a set of blueprints, since DNA contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules.
Simple structure, with great secert behind.
The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information.
Chemically, DNA is a long polymer of simple units called nucleotides, with a backbone made of sugars and phosphate atoms joined by ester bonds.
Attached to each sugar is one of four types of molecules called bases.
It is the sequence of these four bases along the backbone that encodes information.
This information is read using the genetic code, which specifies the sequence of the amino acids within proteins.
The code is read by copying stretches of DNA into the related nucleic acid RNA, in a process called transcription.
Most of these RNA molecules are used to synthesize proteins, but others are used directly in structures such as ribosomes and spliceosomes.
Within cells, DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes and the set of chromosomes within a cell make up a genome.
These chromosomes are duplicated before cells divide, in a process called DNA replication. Eukaryotic organisms such as animals, plants, and fungi store their DNA inside the cell nucleus, while in prokaryotes such as bacteria it is found in the cell's cytoplasm.
Within the chromosomes, chromatin proteins such as histones compact and organize DNA, which helps control its interactions with other proteins and thereby control which genes are transcribed.

Most powerful men in China

The President of the People's Republic of China is the Head of State, as well as the supreme representative of China both internally and externally.
If you want to know more about China, you have to kbow there people.
The State presidency is an independent State apparatus and a component part of China's State organization.
China's system of the head of state is a system of collective leadership.
The president is subordinate to the NPC and directly receives instructions from the supreme organ of State power.
Yes, there are the most powerful men in China.
The president exercises the power of the head of the state, according to decisions of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee.
In foreign affairs, the president represents the People's Republic of China and enjoys the highest right of representation of the state.
In terms of procedural, ceremonial and symbolic significance, the presidency is the highest position of the state.
In essence, however, the presidency does not decide any state affairs but acts according to decisions of the NPC and its Standing Committee.

Corporate lawyer

one of my boy friend is a Corporate lawyer.
i always ask him, what is his job...
if u also want to know ...go on reading ...
Corporate lawyers ensure the legality of commercial transactions.
They must have a knowledge of statutory law and regulations passed by government agencies to help their clients achieve their goals within the bounds of the law.
To structure a business transaction legally, a corporate lawyer may need to research aspects of contract law, tax law, accounting, securities law, bankruptcy, intellectual property rights, licensing, zoning laws, and other regulations relating to a specific area of business.
The lawyer must ensure that a transaction does not conflict with local, state, or federal laws.
interesting job..right?
In contrast to the adversarial nature of trial law, corporate law is team-oriented.
The corporate counsel for both sides of a transaction are not strict competitors; together they seek a common ground for their clients.
They are, in the words of one lawyer, “the handmaidens of the deal.”
Facilitating the business process requires insight into the clients needs, selective expertise, flexibility and most of all, a service mentality.
Corporate law requires an incisive mind and excellent communication skills, both written and oral.
Through the negotiation process, lawyers constantly write and revise the legal documents which will bind the parties to certain terms for the transaction.
This process is lengthy and typically corporate lawyers work extremely long hours.
As a deal moves towards its closing, it becomes an exercise in stamina as much as skillful negotiation.
As one person observed, “The most important trait a lawyer can have is a leather-ass. You’ve got to be able to put your butt in a chair and do the work.” The upside to this profession is the compensation is good and you usually work with smart people.
One corporate lawyer remarked that she liked this side of the law precisely because the transactions take place among peers: There is no wronged party, no underdog, and usually no inequity in the financial means of the participants.
if u are interested, i may tell you more next time.
that's all for today....

Friday, July 20, 2007


Do u know what is a esq. ?
read if u want to know ...
Esquire (abbreviated Esq.) is a title of honour and dignity ranked below a knight and above a gentleman, allowed, for example, to the sons of nobles and to the gentry who do not possess any other title.
It ultimately derived from the medieval term squire.
On this basis, a gentleman was traditionally designated Mr ('mister' before his name), whereas an Esquire was designated 'Esq.' (without a nominal prefix) after his name.
Still dont understand ..go on reading ...
A very late example of this distinction is in the list of subscribers to The History of Elton, by the Rev. Rose Fuller Whistler, published in 1882, which clearly distinguishes between subscribers designated "Mr" and those designated "Esquire" — of higher social position; though old-fashioned, "Esq." remains widely used in "upper-class" circles.
wo ..old fashion and modem english ...
The suffix "Esq." has no legal meaning in the United States as a whole.
It may, in theory, be given to anyone (usually a man).
In practice, it is applied primarily to lawyers (of both sexes in the United States only).

In some states, using the term in a manner that might lead others to assume you are licensed to practice law in that state can be used as evidence of unauthorized practice of law.
Americans don't typically refer to themselves as an "esquire".
It is more often used as an honorific when referring to another person.
The tradition of referring to a lawyer with the title "esquire" is reminiscent of the British practice in which barristers claimed the status "Esquire" and solicitors used the term "Gentleman".
In the United States, though a lawyer may choose to specialize in litigation or other types of law, there are no licensing or bar membership distinctions between the equivalent roles of barrister and solicitor.
funny enough ..if u come across esq in a movie ..
According to Bill from the movie, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, the definition of esquire is "a very important person." Bill often introduces himself in the movie as Bill S. Preston, Esquire.

a black day in New York 7/19

An underground steam pipe explosion tore through a New York street near Grand Central Terminal yesterday, swallowing a tow truck and killing one person as hundreds of others ran for cover amid a towering geyser of steam and flying rubble.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the explosion was not terrorism, though the blast caused a brief panic about a possible attack.
Eighteen people were taken to local hospitals, officials said.
One person was pronounced dead from an apparent heart attack. Two were in critical condition and another two were seriously injured.
The others suffered minor injuries.
The explosion caused widespread chaos as residents and commuters heard a huge blast -- and feared for the worst.
Thousands of commuters evacuated the train terminal, some at a run, after workers yelled for people to leave the building.
A titanic geyser of steam and mud shot from the centre of the blast, generating a tremendous roar.
The initial burst of steam rose higher than the nearby 77-storey Chrysler Building, one of Manhattan's tallest buildings.
The air near the site was filled with debris.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


lawyer, the different meanings ovr the world..
in Australia, the word "lawyer" is used to refer to both barristers and solicitors but not people who do not practice the law.
In Britain, "lawyer" is used loosely to refer to a broad variety of law-trained persons.
It includes practitioners such as barristers, solicitors, and legal executives; and people who are involved with the law but do not practice it on behalf of individual clients, such as judges, court clerks, and drafters of legislation.
In Canada, the word "lawyer" only refers to individuals who have been called to the bar or have qualified as civil law notaries in the province of Quebec.
Common law lawyers in Canada may also be known as "barristers and solicitors", but should not be referred to as "attorneys", since that term has a different meaning in Canadian usage.
However, in Quebec, civil law advocates often call themselves "attorney" and sometimes "barrister and solicitor".
Notably, civil law notaries are entitled by provincial statute to style themselves "title attorney".
In the United States of America, the term generally refers to attorneys who may practice law.
In Hong Kong, it means rich man.
In China, it means nothing.
In other nations tend to have comparable terms for the analogous concept.


Many American attorneys limit their practices to specialized fields of law. Often dichotomies are drawn between different types of attorneys, but these are neither fixed nor formal lines. Examples include:
* Plaintiff v. Defense Attorneys (some attorneys do both plaintiff and defense work, others only handle certain types of cases, like personal injury, business, etc.)
* Transactional (or "office practice") attorneys (who negotiate and draft documents and advise clients, rarely going to court) v. litigators (who advise clients in the context of legal disputes both in and out of court, including lawsuits, arbitrations and negotiated settlements)
* Trial attorneys (who argue the facts, such as Johnnie Cochran) v. appellate attorneys (who argue the law, such as David Boies)
* Outside counsel (law firms) v. in-house counsel (corporate legal department)
Despite these descriptions, most states forbid or discourage claims of specialization in particular areas of law unless the attorney has been certified by his or her state bar or state board of legal specialization. Other states allow indirect indications of specialization (in forms of advertisements such as "our practice is limited to . . .") but require that the lawyer state that he or she is not certified by a state board of legal specialization in the advertised practice area. Patent attorneys are allowed to advertise their specialization in all jurisdictions, since registration for patent law is administered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) instead of a state-level body.

Some states grant formal certifications recognizing specialties. In California, for example, bar certification is offered in family law, appellate practice, criminal law, bankruptcy, estate planning, immigration, taxation and workmen's compensation. Any attorney meeting the bar requirements in one of these fields may represent himself as a specialist. Similarly, Texas formally grants certification of specialization in the following fields: administrative law; business bankruptcy law; civil appellate law; civil trial law; consumer bankruptcy law; consumer & commercial law; criminal law; estate planning & probate law; family law; health law; immigration & nationality law; juvenile law; labor & employment law; oil, gas & mineral law; personal injury trial law; real estate law; tax law; and workers' compensation law.

The vast majority of lawyers practicing in a particular field may typically not be certified as specialists in that field (and state board certification is not generally required to practice law in any field). For example, the State Bar of Texas (as of mid 2006) reported 77,056 persons licensed as attorneys in that state (excluding inactive members of the Bar)[1], while the Texas Board of Legal Specialization reported, at about the same time, only 8,303 Texas attorneys who were board certified in any specialty. Indeed, of the 8,303 certified specialists in Texas, the highest number of attorneys certified in one specific field at that time was 1,775 (in personal injury trial law). Despite the relative large number of lawyers that presumably would handle divorce, adoption and child custody matters, Texas reported that of 77,056 attorneys, only 697 in the entire state were certified in family law (which is, arguably, the applicable specialty).

Specialization in patent law is administered by the Office of Enrollment and Discipline of the USPTO, which imposes stringent requirements for applicants to become registered as patent attorneys or patent agents.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

June 4 - a black day ...

邓小平 - a great manif u think a man, only a man, should be responsable ..ok ..up to you ..

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Beijing - a lovely city

Beijing literally means "Northern capital", in line with the common East Asian tradition whereby capital cities are explicitly named as such.
Other cities similarly named include Nanjing, China, meaning "southern capital"; Tokyo, Japan,, Vietnam, both meaning "eastern capital".

In China, the city has had many names.
Between 1368 and 1405, and again from 1928 and 1949, it was known as Beiping, literally "Northern Peace".
On both occasions, the name changed — with the removal of the element meaning "capital" (jing or king) — to reflect the fact the national capital had changed to Nanjing, the first time under the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and the second time with the Kuomintang (KMT) government of the Republic of China, so that Peking was no longer the capital of China.
Beijing also suffers from heavy pollution and poor air quality from industry and traffic.
Dust from erosion of deserts in northern and northwestern China result in seasonal dust storms that plague the city.
In the first four months of 2006 alone, there were no fewer than eight such storms.
Efforts have been made of late to clean up Beijing in preparation for the 2008 Summer Olympics.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Shanghai leads Hong Kong in dual shares

Shanghai and HK are 2 major cities in china.
They are financial citis..
Dually listed companies' share prices in Shanghai are 33.24 percent higher than in Hong Kong, a newly launched index showed yesterday.
Dur to a histroical reason, there are 2 stock markets.
Hang Seng China AH Premium Index was down 0.21 points, or 0.16 percent, to 133.24 on its debut yesterday, showing that H-share prices have narrowed the gap with A-share prices but still lag far behind.
The index was one of the four launched by Hang Seng Index Services Ltd, the index manager of Hong Kong's stock exchange.
Heng Seng bank, even no international bank in HK, but still a major bank in HK.
The other three are the Hang Seng AH (A+H) Index, Hang Seng China AH (A) Index and Hang Seng China AH (H) Index.
They gauge the performance of A and H shares together, and A and H share prices individually.
The three indexes all gained yesterday, thanks to a rally in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
The turnover was also very hugh.
The Hang Seng AH (A+H) Index rose 73.44 points, or 3.26 percent, to 2,327.36.
Hang Seng China AH (A) Index and Hang Seng China AH (H) Index grew 79.77 points and 69.75 points respectively to 2,779.77 and 2,141.4 respectively.
Even the indexes are so high, people are still rushing into the market.
Look no one can remembr the market crash in 97 ....easy-forget HK people ...
The indexes cover 27 companies that trade both in Shanghai and Hong Kong. The largest index constituents include China Life, Sinopec Corp, China Merchants Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. The four constitute almost half of the index.

Monday, July 9, 2007

new china new chinese

china is, from whateven angle, a big but not strong country.
the problem is, too many selffish, non-educated, worthless chinese.
now china is growing up, even not yet, but will be a strong country very soon.
india is also a big country. but indiain are classified so, india will not be a very strong, even 50 yrs later.
japan, a small but strong country. just because japanese are coporated. when all japanse are moving in the same direction, the power can bit any other country ..
UK, was strong..was ...yes, was ...

Li Peng, even many people say Li has killed a lot of students in the event of June 4, but, dont forget, thats not his fault.

It's difficult to tell what was exacly happened ...but, it is true that, Li couldnt make that happened by only himself..

he was not the one who could make that happened ...

May 19, 1989 June 4 incident eve of the television Li published a strongly worded speech on May 19. Tiananmen Square student demonstrations caused resentment that outsiders are found, Li conservatives, in favor of the then dispatched military repression of the student movement, its popular image of the West against the use of force to suppress the "Tiananmen incident" national criticism.

may be he did the report, but ....could he make the report just by himself?

Li early in North China Power Authority owned the Northeast Power Authority (Shenyang), the latter was transferred to the Ministry of Electricity. In the early 1980s, a wave of younger cadres to act as ministers, after he was appointed premier of the State Council.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

This is Wen Jiabao ..

he is one of the strong men in china. many ppl like him, he is young, smart and clever.

Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee and vice premier of the State Council, members of the Party Group, secretary of the Central Financial Work Committee.

he was broned in Tianjin. i was also broned in Tianjin. so, he was from my own town.